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EAC War Thunder Instructions


Before activating the key:

  • Read the instructions carefully
  • Restart your computer


  1. The error "Could not continue executing the code because the system did not find MSVCR110.dll ... or VCRUNTIME140_1.dll ..."
    Download Redistributable Package Visual C++ для Visual Studio 2015 - 2019
  2. Error 0x1288 - Check the time on the PC, and check the checkbox to synchronize time with the Internet. Restart the Lauder 1-2 times.
  3. Error 0x10 - Your key end
We remind you that using software is always a risk!
  • You purchase the software at your own risk.
  • Undetected status does not guarantee 100% protection against blocking (with any software, a ban is possible in any game).
  • If the update is in the game, wait for the software update.
  • Use based on your own risk.
  • Remove antivirus
  • Disable SmartScreen
  • Disable Windows defender
  • Delete FaceIt and Vanguard
    FaceIt is a standalone anti-cheat for CS: GO games
     Vanguard is an anti-cheat for Valorant

Game Preparation:

  1. Open Steam, launch the game, after loading the game, go to its settings, set "Window mode", please do not confuse with the mode "Window without frames", you need to set MUST set "Window mode", you need to get a frame around the game window. As a rule, this setting is located in the "Video" or "Graphics" tab. If after you have set the "Window mode" and you do not have a "Frame" around the game window, do the following:
    - In the game settings, set the game resolution a little less than the current one, for example, you have "1920-1080", set it to another, slightly lower and save;
    - The game window will become a little smaller and should appear "Frame" on the edges of the game window, then in the right corner of the game window, will appear "Square", point the mouse arrow at it, and if it is clickable, click on it once with the left mouse button to expand the game window to the full screen. Now save the settings and close the game.
  2. To play War Tundra launcher version, after installing the "Windowed" mode, you need to additionally check the following points:
    - In the launcher you need to "Enable anti-chit EAC", screenshot:;
    - In the launcher you need to "Disable" version in development and "Disable" vertical synchronization, screenshot:

Startup Instructions::

IMPORTANT, make sure your computer meets the following requirements before running the loader:

Absent any tampering or debugging drivers

Absent any active or hidden debugger
Any other program that can be used for reverse engineering and hacking

You must have "disable Windows test mode", how to do this is instructed here:

  2. Go to the link:, in the field "key", insert your key that you received after payment, then click on the button "download".
  3. Transfer the downloaded file to any place on your PC, except the folder with the game
  4. Run loader as admin, enter your key and click Load.
  5. You need to wait for the loader to close, it will close automatically after the injection process is completed and you will see the inscription in the loader "success", this means that the injection was successful.
  6. Launching the game
  7. The game should be switched to "windowed mode" beforehand.
  8. After the game is fully loaded to the main menu, press the key "Home" to call the program menu, the default menu opens in the left corner of the game window.
  9. Control the menu with the mouse. To go to a tab, press Enter or Backspace to exit.
  10. To disable the entire reader during the game, press "Delete" key, all visual functions of the reader are disabled and the menu is hidden.

For Arcade version:

  • MUST run the game ONLY with disabled anti-reader EAC!

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