Instruction for Softhub
Before activating the key:
- Read the instructions carefully
- Restart your computer
- The error "Could not continue executing the code because the system did not find MSVCR110.dll ... or VCRUNTIME140_1.dll ..."
- Download Redistributable Package Visual C++ для Visual Studio 2015 - 2019
- A USB flash drive is required for the program to work.
- Run the program (necessarily from a USB flash drive).
We remind you that using software is always a risk!
- You purchase the software at your own risk.
- Undetected status does not guarantee 100% protection against blocking (with any software, a ban is possible in any game).
- If the update is in the game, wait for the software update.
- Use based on your own risk.
- Remove antivirus
- Disable SmartScreen
- Disable Windows defender
- Delete FaceIt and Vanguard
- FaceIt is a standalone anti-cheat for CS: GO games
- Vanguard is an anti-cheat for Valorant
Instructions for working with the launcher:
- A USB flash drive is required for the program to work.
- Run the program (necessarily from a USB flash drive).
- After launching the launcher for the first time, you will need to accept the agreements that the launcher writes about.
- Further, if you do not have an account, you need to register it. Login length must be more than three characters without spaces.
- Further, after registration, you must enter your account using the Log In button. Your data will be saved.
- The key is activated according to the screenshot:
Starting instructions:
- Before you start all the manipulations, open the game and make it in windowed or windowed frameless mode, otherwise the software WILL NOT WORK!
- Close the game and go to the loader.
- Click on Load Cheat, the main files will be loaded.
- Wait for loading.
- Next, the launcher will ask you to open the game.
- ! If Failed or number errors with a hash symbol popped up in the console and the launcher displays a message that something went wrong, then try downloading the software again, making screenshots / writing down the error numbers and contacting technical support with them.
- Start the game and wait for the software menu. It will appear within 40 seconds - one minute.
- Buttons for opening / closing the software menu F2 or F7 or Insert.
- In order to turn off the software, you need to restart your PC!
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If you have questions or problems, support contacts: